Before you proceed
Inputlog versions
The latest version and previous releases of Inputlog are freely downloadable for (academic) research purposes. We strongly recommend you to carefully read the installation instructions before you register and install the software on your computer.
Inputlog License agreement and Privacy Statement
Your (personal) data is always treated in accordance with the applicable privacy regulations. Personal data will only be collected and processed to provide the information requested or to inform you about major updates of the program. Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties and will not be used for direct marketing.
We take the best possible security measures to prevent third parties from misusing your (personal) data.
>> More information: License agreement and Privacy Statement
Manual and Documentation
The user manual and some fact sheets that document the use of the different components in Inputlog are made available. These documents also provide more background on the rationale that is used in the analyses, and they explain the algorithms that are used in the different analyses.
Installation procedure
1.1 | Complete the registration form You will receive a personal installation code to unlock the installation procedure. You might need to check your junk folder. (Remark: We ask you to register so that we can keep you informed about updates and changes.)
3.1 | Unzip the file and open the installation file Inputlog_xx.exe The installation wizard will be started.
Download the latest version of Inputlog
Inputlog version Standard 9.505
February 2025
What’s new in Inputlog 9.5?
- Certificate
The installation procedure is now officially certified (University of Antwerp). - Versioning
In the settings you can indicate that the logger saves a version of the text produced so far, every x minutes. This allows for intermediate text comparison. - Copy task integration
A direct link has been made available to the Inputlog copy task (see Record tab). - Pause analysis
The algorithms we use to identify the pause location and to calculate between word/sentence/paragraphs have been further refined. Also, the operationalisation and characterisation of the P-burst has been further improved..[see also ‘fact sheets’ on the website] - Source analysis
The source segmentation and characterisation has been further improved, explicitly focusing on the different scenarios writers use to activate and switch between the main document and the sources (e.g., use of the taskbar). - Technical bugs
Several bugs have been resolved. Thank you to everyone who informed us about bugs (or other issues) and helped us addressing these.
The bug with the most impact related to the fact that when the MS Word (main document) was deactivated by using the minimize-icon (right top corner) the logger did not render updates of the document length so far, nor of the cursor position. This also affected the revision analysis. - Internet explorer
Analysis files (xml-format) should be opened with Internet Explorer. If you are using Edge, be sure to activate Internet Explorer, e.g., using this instruction.
Inputlog Edu-version
December 2023
Inputlog Edu-version
To facilitate the use of Inputlog in the classroom, we have developed a ‘minimal’ version of Inputlog, the so called Edu-version. This version has a simplified interface which only focuses on ‘Recording’ a writing process and ‘Generating’ a user friendly feedback report.
This version of Inputlog was co-developed within the LIFT project (NWO, The Netherlands – University of Antwerp).
version 0.9.1
March 2024
Inputlog-LibreOffice version 0.9.1
To facilitate logging in Libre Office we developed “Inputlog-LibreOffice”. Its main advantage is that this Open source professional word processor allows for better control of the logging, compared to, for instance, logging in Ms Word. The current variant of Inputlog was developed as a Libre Office extension (a certified add-in for the program). Its sole purpose is to log the writing process as detailed as possible. However, as the resulting logfile is an IDFX-file, the general analysis and the pause analysis of the Inputlog standard version can be used to explore the logdata.
You can find a description of the installation procedure and a user guide of Inputlog LibreOffice below (see Documentation section).
This keystroke logging application was developed within the project Track Changes (NWO, The Netherlands – Huygens Institute and University of Antwerp).
Download documentation
This manual contains a description of the most important functions that Inputlog provides, including background about algorithms that are used in the analyses (5 MB, 150pages). Remark: This manual is not yet fully updated to the latest version. We try to upload an update as soon as possible.
Inputlog-LibreOffice manual
This manual contains a description of the installation procedure and a user guide of Inputlog for LibreOffice.
Appendix References article
This pdf file contains the complete list of Inputlog references that is used in: Leijten, M., & L. Van Waes (2020). Designing keystroke logging research in writing studies. Chinese Journal of Second Language Writing
Download previous versions of Inputlog
Inputlog version 8 February 2022
How to refer to Inputlog?
Please note that Inputlog is a research instrument that is free to the cademic research community. If you publish research in which inputlog has been used, please, refer to:
Main article
Leijten, M., & Van Waes, L. (2013). Keystroke Logging in Writing Research: Using Inputlog to Analyze and Visualize Writing Processes. Written Communication 30(3), 358–392 | doi: 10.1177/0741088313491692 | PDF
If you publish or present a paper in which Inputlog has been used, please refer to the following article:
Leijten, M., & Van Waes, L. (2013). Keystroke Logging in Writing Research: Using Inputlog to Analyze Writing Processes. Written Communication 30(3), 358-392
DOI: 10.1177/0741088313491692